10 Inspiring Game of Thrones Quotes That You Need This Week (and Every Week)


Sure, the battles in Game of Thrones are undeniably epic, but nothing is quite as epic as the words exchanged between our favorite Westeros residents. From hilarious quips to profound statements, the show knows how to deliver some serious food for thought — especially when those quotes come directly from George R. R. Martin's books. If you're in need of some inspiring words to keep you going this week (or to keep you going until Game of Throne's eighth season finally premieres), check out the gallery to hear some wise words from Tyrion Lannister, Lord Varys, and Lord Petyr Baelish, as well as a few more surprising sources.

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Tyrion Lannister says this to Jon Snow during their first meeting, when the Lannisters — along with King Robert Baratheon — come to visit Ned Stark and to make him Hand of the King while Jon is forced to remain away from the ceremony.

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Tywin Lannister tells this to his grandson Joffrey Baratheon when the young king gets a bit too tyrannical for even Tywin's taste.

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Tyrion says this to Jon Snow to explain his penchant for reading, as he feels that — unlike his brother, Jaime, or King Robert — his mind is his greatest asset and best means of defense, and books must be used to keep it sharp.

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Lord Varys tells this to Tyrion Lannister in an attempt to assure him that no matter his size, he is capable of wielding as much power as he believes he can, and if he believes he is powerful, then he can convince others of this, too.

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Bronn says this to Tyrion to remind him that even though he's a Lannister and his name is a stigma outside of King's Landing, Tyrion might as well embrace his bad reputation and go after what he deserves anyway.

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Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish tell this to Varys, explaining that sometimes chaos is simply an opportunity for those who aren't distracted by trivial matters to find a way out and succeed.

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Ser Jaime Lannister asks this of Ned Stark to suggest that Lord Stark is in no position to condemn Jaime's actions when he benefited from them. Jaime also says this to point out that, despite how much Ned values honor, he often forsakes that honor in order to do what he personally feels is right.

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Varys says this to Tyrion to point out that he has gained all of his knowledge through patience and strategy, as well as knowing when to mind his own business rather than interfere.

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Littlefinger tells this to Sansa Stark to remind her that, even though her family has suffered unspeakable tragedy, accepting her fate rather than fighting it will only bring her more misery.

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Brienne of Tarth says this to Podrick to explain her desire to avenge King Renly, as she feels that by failing to protect Renly, to whom she swore herself, she has also failed herself.

Image Source: HBO via Giphy

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