New Game of Thrones Footage Shows Arya Suitably in Awe Over Dragons in Winterfell

Ever since we got our first glimpse at the eighth season of Game of Thrones, fans have been wondering how things will go down now that the Mother of Dragons has made her way up North. Considering she's a threat to the North's independence and wielding two fire-happy dragons who aren't afraid to let it rip with one uttered "Dracarys," it's not shocking to think the folks of Winterfell won't be too pleased with her arrival. But some new footage suggests that one person in particular might be a little excited about Winterfell's new serpentine residents: everyone's favorite assassin, Arya Stark.

In the footage released as part of HBO's latest 2019 highlight reel, Jon Snow and Daenerys's army of the Unsullied march into Winterfell as Drogon flies by overhead. We don't see the self-proclaimed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but we do see the people of Winterfell move in obvious fright as the giant dragon flies in their direction. Standing among them, Arya seemingly watches Drogon in what looks like shock before her expression melts into a small smile. She's the only Northerner who seems excited so far, since we already know Sansa isn't crazy about Jon's decision to bend the knee and bring the Queen to their home.

While brief, the look does make us excited about the interactions between the Starks and Daenerys. Will Arya's fascination with the dragons translate into a friendship with their mother? Or will she naturally be wary of the woman who wants to take her home's independence, like her sister? Perhaps the two will bond over their warrior-like ways? We can't wait to see when Game of Thrones returns for its final season on April 14!

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